Tuesday, January 27, 2015


The organic skin now draping the facade of the Paper Tower Studio (seen on right).
Looking through the dark glass paved ground, you can see the supporting pillars below,
some ocean, and some garden.

     To remove all but the supporting pillars of the Studio of Builds… or not. This is a question I’ve been contemplating for several weeks. The location of this dominant and ancient build is at the very heart of Accentaury. If the upper story were to be sunk into the sea, leaving the ruins of the pillars below, a fine garden could grow over the space, opening up a vista onto nature. I visualize how refreshing an open sweep of field with or without trees could be. Yet, the historical presence of the arena, and its glass bottom floor looking onto the corridor and the ocean below, is a signature feature of the sim, and has been since early 2010. Just in aesthetic terms, which would fit the experience of visiting ACC Alpha the best? A sweeping garden leading up to the city, or the eccentric architectural arena that already exists there?

     Last night, I decided to experiment with a compromise. I temporarily uplifted two of the pavilions from the arena into the sky to get them out of the way, then set down mesh organic bridges I’d made for the purpose. The style was so contrary to anything else on the sim that I scrapped that idea entirely, and lowered the pavilions back in place. But the organic look, which is already present to some degree in the arena, could be pushed further. Since working on my CITY INSIDE OUT at LEA, I’ve been ‘growing’ my eroded sandy buildings for a look with a melting surface. Why not try out that technique on a building that already stands on the square.  I sculpted a mesh for the walls and fit them over the Paper Tower Studio building. The style merges well with the surroundings, and reinforces the look of sand castles lapped by the tide. Standing before the building, one may wonder how long it can withstand the elements.

Entrance of the Paper Tower Studio

     These pavilions on the Paper Tower Court are officially part of the museum complex. Even though three of the four have been emptied of any objects, and their walls made translucent so visitors get good views onto the city and/or gardens beyond, the largest of the pavilions (Paper Tower Studio) still hosts a small exhibit within its walls. The main entry to that pavilion displays an artwork by Bamboo Barnes of my LEA installation “Paper Observatory” from last year. This is more than a photographic record of the exhibit, for Bamboo worked it into her own artistic statement by virtue of the composition, color and texture.  It serves not only as a focal artwork for the arena, but also as a glimpse into its history. The Paper Observatory exhibit at LEA was the precursor of the current Paper Tower Court seen today at ACC Alpha.

     My intention is to keep refining this organic look in the Court. Will it ever be replaced by a garden? If I knew the answer to that now, it would remove the unpredictable, which itself engages my enthusiasm.