I'm waiting till 11:11 pm before hitting the publish button for this day's blog. It's in celebration of 11/11/11. Today, in preparation for the Second Libations exhibition, I placed water bearers in the hands and along the arms of the Colossus statue. In addition, I finished sculpting the piece based after the painting 'The Ecstasy of Saint Francis' by Georges de la Tour. Only losely related to the painting, the original being diverted into my theme of bots attempting to resuscitate their human users. It is in the room called Banquet of Artists. Please read the notes below. There is now a film on Youtube titled "Exhibition" which is a preview to Second Libations. There is also an announcement about a dramatic event I'm planning for the end of the exhibit on New Year's Eve. And for now, happy 11/11/11 at 11:11 pm !
Below is the updated information about the Second Libations exhibit:
“SECOND LIBATIONS” by Haveit Neox.
Dec. 3 - 31, 2011
Sim: at LEA6 (Linden Endowment for the Arts)
INVITATION to participate:
What if all life disappeared from the Earth’s surface? Could the virtual world of the bots* persist?
Have your idea (as a text) included in the ‘Second Libations’ art exhibit. I am most grateful to the LEA (Linden Endowment for the Arts) and the UWA (University of Western Australia) for having granted me the opportunity to show my exhibit in the Art Series. I have been given the month of December 2011 to install the full sim exhibit “Second Libations”. I am planning to display texts contributed by residents of Second Life as part of the show. If you are interested, please submit a paragraph (or more) describing your solution to the survival of the bots and their world. You may also send me a texture if you have something illustrated to accompany your text. The story line of the exhibition is in the following paragraph. Have fun with your ideas, or be serious in your creative efforts. Please send your text as a notecard AND an IM to Haveit Neox. This way I should receive it regardless of SL’s habit of discarding or capping communications.
The great cosmic storm swept up the last of Earth’s water molecules. On the lifeless planet, the only remaining intelligence flickers on computer screens. In the absence of human maintenance, bot scipters, bot artists, and bot teachers scramble to rescue their resources before the impending threat of blackout.
Like the sorcerer’s apprentice, they begin flooding their world by rezzing buckets of virtual water, hoping to rehydrate their users. Their strategy appears to be failing. Not having been programmed for an unforeseen event of this magnitude, the bots plea for your solution in securing their virtual world.
The Second Libations await your offering. Your participation in the ritual is eagerly anticipated.
For any questions, please contact me. Thanks for your attention,
Haveit Neox
DATE OF EXHIBIT: Dec 3 - Dec 31, 2011
DATE DUE: It would be helpful to get texts delivered to me by November 25, giving me time to print them and set up the arrangement.
BOOK: A book covering the event is planned to be published in SL. By sending in your idea, it is possible that your text may also be included in the book.
YouTube FILM:
A short 3 minute preview film is now up on YouTube. It's titled "Exhibition". Please watch to get an idea about "Second Libations" The link:
2011 becoming 2012
A dramatic end to SECOND LIBATIONS is planned for new year's eve. Midnight will bring a fiery event to the LEA6 sim that will occur only once during the exhibit. Please check http://accalpha.blogspot.com/ to keep updated. I will be posting details about the New Year's Eve event on that website toward the end of December.
*Bot (definition): A bot is a robot controlled by a computer program. This is different from an avatar, who is directly controlled by his or her human user.
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